Our concept

305547-klaria's operations are based on a patented drug delivery platform in the form of an alginate-based polymer film. The film is similar to a small postage stamp, which is discreetly attached to the oral mucous membrane and, through this, distributes the medication directly into the bloodstream.

This method provides several patient benefits, in particular shorter time to effect, increased control and simple handling. For 305547-klaria, this combination provides a shorter time to market, lower development costs and reduced risk compared to traditional pharmaceutical development. As the molecules and their effects are well known, all that is required is a basic bioequivalence study in order to show how much substance is delivered within a certain time interval. The film's technical characteristics also facilitate large-scale, cost-effective production.

Distributing active substances via a film is nothing new in itself. However, the films that already exist on the market are ODF films (Oral Dissolvable Films), which work in an entirely different way to 305547-klaria's film: they melt in the mouth, the substances are swallowed and are then absorbed in the intestine in exactly the same way as with normal tablets. With 305547-klaria's film, the medi­cation is absorbed directly into the bloodstream via the oral mucous membrane, resulting in faster absorption and more reproducible effect.

Patented technology

The technology behind 305547-klaria's drug delivery film is patented. The patent (Swedish patent no. 0502900-4, designated the "Film patent" in this Company Description) is owned by Uppsalagruppen Medical AB. The patent is exclusive and, for its entire remaining period of validity and without restrictions, licensed to 305547-klaria in the form of molecule-specific licenses within the therapeutic fields of migraine and cancer-related pain, opioid overdose, cannabinoids and and anaphylactic shock.

305547-klaria pays no royalties nor any form of milestone payments for the license, but will be responsible for costs related to upholding the patent.